Acupuncture for headache relief? You bet!
A good acupuncturist is trained to differentiate the many causes of headache and correct the imbalance.
Karen Borla, Licensed acupuncturist, has been practicing acupuncture since 1998 and has many years of experience treating cancer patients and cancer survivors. Her office in West Hartford, Connecticut provides a peaceful and welcoming environment. She can be reached at (860) 523-9424.
A good acupuncturist is trained to differentiate the many causes of headache and correct the imbalance.
Acupuncture can help couples who are using assisted reproductive techniques like IUI and IVF to achieve pregnancy.
In Chinese Medicine, an explanation can often be found, and specific effective fertility treatments are available.
What if you could manage pain without taking medication? Caitlin Francis from WFSB’s Great Day Connecticut visited Quan Yin Healing Arts.
Adding acupuncture to your treatment plan and self-care techniques can benefit cancer patients, survivors and care givers.
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
45 South Main St., Suite 206
West Hartford, Connecticut 06107
(860) 523-9424
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