At the heart of Traditional Chinese Medicine is Acupuncture, accepted worldwide and recognized by the World Health Organization as an effective treatment for a wide range of health problems.
Acupuncture has evolved into a holistic medical system and has been used for thousands of years to help people get well and stay healthy.
Karen Borla at Quan Yin Healing Arts uses various acupuncture techniques in treatment. She is skilled at TCM style acupuncture, trigger and motor point release, electro-acupuncture, ear (auricular) acupuncture, and dry needling techniques.
Acupuncture can treat the following conditions
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Fertility
- Infertility
- Women’s Issues
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- Menstrual Pain
- Sport Injuries
- Sport Recovery
- Irregular Menstruation
- Back Pain
- Sciatica Hip Pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfer’s Elbow
- Jaw Pain
- Knee Pain
- Sleep Issues
- Tendonitis
- Musculoskeletal Pain
- Nerve Pain
- Arthritis
- Digestive Issues
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Morning Sickness
- Indigestion
- Respiratory issues
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Sinusitis
- Symptoms of the Common Cold
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Stress
- Muscle Tension & Tightness